Showing posts with label Photoshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photoshop. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Turn the Page

 Turn the page...
There are so many times we look at what we should have done, should be doing or how we would have done things differently. These thoughts do nothing to move us forward. I've recently been reading a great book "100 ways to Motivate Yourself" by Steve Chandler.  In one chapter he talks of replacing worry with action. If there is something that you think about often that you'd like change - stop thinking and take action! Even the smallest action will start the ball rolling and motivate you to keep moving forward.

 Taking the Beyond Layers Class with Kim Klassen is one of my small actions - I continually think about improving my photography and where I want to go with it. So now that I'm actively doing something about it. I can rest my mind and concentrate more on what I'm learning!! 

To all Beyond Layers artists - Congratulate yourself on taking action!

This weeks assignment was the painterly effect.  Kim showed us some great photoshop techniques to play with. It always amazes me that with Photoshop, there is always something more to learn. I used to have my standard routine and now I've learn that there is so much to play with blend modes, opacity and textures!! So much fun!

Off Camera flash with unbrella
Texture: Kim Klassen's Graydaystone

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Love, Love, Love

I guess I have love and Valentines Day on my While I was sleeping last night I kept coming up with "love" image ideas. I guess I didn't sleep much - ha.
In this weeks Beyond Layers  class we worked on photographing in our home "studio" with natural light. One thing that Kim Klassen talked about was evaluating your image...walking away and coming back to see it with fresh eyes. It's amazing how much this helps. Take todays image. I reworked this 3 times to get the image you see above.

The 1st image: After walking away and looking at this image again the back heart seemed to be too bold. Sometimes you're so intent on working on the image that we don't see the most obvious.

2nd Image: softened/desaturated the back heart
Better, but it still bothered me. I felt my eye was still drawn to that heart and it certainly was not where I want the attention of the viewer to be.

3rd Image:  (Same as 1st image) I decided to remove the back heart. I used a large soft cloning brush to do this and then used the eyedropper to select a darker beige color and used my brush with a low opacity to paint and soften the background making it a bit more even.

What do you think? Do you see the difference?

Great advice Kim!

Camera Setting:
Lens: 50 mm 1.4
ISO: 200
Aperture: 1.8
Shutter: 1250th
Texture: Kim Klassen - Magic Scratches and Plastersquared